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As Australia’s leader in charter aircraft solutions, AVMIN & JetBidders offer the only charter concierge service. With a worldwide database of partner operators, AVMIN can land you or your passengers at any airport in the world. AVMIN is owned by one of the largest travel agency groups in the world, the Flight Centre Travel Group. The services we can provide range from supplying turbo props, to commercial sized airliners, helicopters, emergency flights, freight movements and private corporate jets. Safety is paramount for us at AVMIN, as such, all JetBidders aircraft and operators will be pre-qualified by the AVMIN team.
We guarantee to provide you with the best options for your individual air charter needs. For more information on AVMIN please visit
- Request a charter quote from over 1000 safety approved aircraft operators globally
- Set a time limit for suppliers to submit a bid
- Watch the bids being submitted in real time
- Like for like, easily comparable quotes in one table
- 1 Click charter confirmation
- Personal Dashboard to view your upcoming charters and live requests
- Receive the best price in the market!
- End to End Charter Concierge Service
Client Sign up
Fill in your details, JetBidders will be in touch with your login details.
- Create and manage your virtual aircraft inventory
- View your ranking against other operators bids
- Clear and concise charter requests display in your personal dashboard
- One chance to re-submit your bid to increase your ranking
- Submit up to 2 bids on each charter request
- Get notified instantly when you have won or lost a charter!
Operator Sign up
Fill in your details, JetBidders will be in touch with your login details.